domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Source code: OverridableMethodTest

Código fuente del programa OverridableMethodTest

Ver la entrada correspondiente en el siguiente enlace:

Java: Overridable method call in constructor

package pruebas;


public class OverridableMethodTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final PrintStream out= System.out;

        Super one= new One();
        out.format("Instance of One. Expected value 1 =>%s%n", one);

        Super two= new Two();
        out.format("Instance of Two. Expected value 2 =>%s%n", two);

        out.format("After invoking setValue(...):%n");
        out.format("Instance of One. Expected value 10 =>%s%n", one);
        out.format("Instance of Two. Expected value 20 =>%s%n", two);

abstract public static class Super {

    private int value= 999;

    public Super() {

        int aux= this.getInitialValue();

    public int getValue() {
        return this.value;
    public void setValue(int aValue) {
        this.value= aValue;

    abstract public int getInitialValue();

    public String toString() {
        String str= String.format("Class<%s>: Value<%s> InitialValue<%s>"
            , this.getClass().getSimpleName()
            , this.getValue()
            , this.getInitialValue()

        return str;


public static class One extends Super {

    private int initialValue= 1;

    public One() {

    public int getInitialValue() {
        return this.initialValue;


public static class Two extends Super {

    private int initialValue= 2;

    public Two() {

    public int getInitialValue() {
        return this.initialValue;



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